Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, September 28, 2007

slow dancing in a burning room

Fall is almost here in my part of Germany. It has been really gray and dreary lately, but today, I noticed the leaves beginning to turn faint shades of red, orange, and yellow. Its so thrilling to look at the woods everyday and try to see what is different from the day before. I wish I had the skills to do one of those time lapse slideshows (if that's the name for it).

So much has changed in my daily routine since I have been here! A month and a half ago, my week consisted of: working 40 hours, driving at least 2 hours a day, studying for classes in between work, and hanging out with friends on the weekend. Now, studying and leisure time is pretty my full time job....and I really was starting to miss work, family, and friends. I was getting stressed out having so much time on my hands (sounds odd doesn't it?). Then, I found this perfect place half a mile from our house that I have claimed as my own spot of germany. I go there and just sit...drinking in my surroundings. From that place, I can see for miles, and it is so soothing. I encourage you to find a "reflection" corner in your world....its amazing I have discovered. I really need this time to think and reflect, and I this will probably be the only time I will ever have to do this.

In other news, my dad and brother are coming next week! They are coming with some friends, and long story short, the friends know some people who own a castle and they invited us to stay with them. Cool, huh? : )

tip of the day: Citizen Cope -- drab name, but pretty groovy music, and its free to download on Myspace!


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