Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

hoy, heute

Sunday was truly a day of rest. Only my dad and I were at the house, so we chilled on the couch and watched old movies most of the day. After my day of doing nothing, I was geared up for the week, and not so surprisingly, I was accomplishing way more than I expected...until I locked myself out of the house. I got home only to remember that I had left my house keys inside the house, and my dad wasn't coming home until late in the evening. Not content to roast outside the rest of the day, I borrowed a neighbor's ladder and broke in through my window. So there I am, two stories up, wearing a dress, pushing my AC window unit into my room so I can climb into the only unlocked window in our house. But it was kind of a blessing, considering the window unit needed to come out of my window anyways because its broken. Now I need to think of a creative way to move it from my bed into the garage.

Just thought I'd share this:

today in history...
sunglasses were invented in China (1200)
Congress outlawed polygamy (1862)
Estee Lauder was born (1908)
US cartoonist Elzie Segar created "Popeye" (1929)
UK returned Hong Kong to China (1997)

and this:

"Who, being loved, is poor?"
~ Oscar Wilde

...Make someone smile today!

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