Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

its been awhile

Wow, its been almost 4 months since my last blog post. Shocking.

In about 6 weeks, I will be in England! I'm going through the School of Government's Oxford Program, so I'm sure it will be very intensive/interesting. Before I go, I need to read 7 books for one of the classes I'm far, 2 down, 5 to go.

Here's what I've read about so far: Muslims are changing the landscape of Europe and they're doing it at a very fast rate. In the past 50 years, "Arabs" have grown from 80 million to 320 million! A common expression I've read is that Muslims are going to "outbirth" Europeans (and eventually Americans). If you have time for some extra interesting reading, check out "God's Continent" by Philip Jenkins and "The Great Confrontation" by Ilya Gaiduk.

Last week, I went to the Coldplay concert at the Amphitheater. Everyone and their mom was there because Coldplay is AMAZING! When they played Yellow, lots of large yellow balloons were dropped from the rafters onto the crowd. That was awesome enough, but to top it off, they played my favorite song, which was an answer to my prayers.
Right before the concert started, I asked God to do me a little favor and have them play my song for me (its a really obscure one, so it was a stretch). The show was almost over and they had played all their popular songs, so I was prepared to leave without my "moment," but THEN they moved to a platform on the lawn really close to where I was sitting and played my song. SO WONDERFUL! It was such a worship moment for me...oh, the little things God does for me and you : ). I left that concert with my heart overflowing.


Christen Allocco said...


Christen Allocco said...

Okay, I accidentally published a comment without finishing.

As I was saying.

Sooo. I am basically really jealous that you saw Coldplay, I heard it was AWESOMEEE.

Glad you had fun :]

Good luck in ENGLAND!

Jenee said...

kk- after ALLLLL that... as I'm embarrassed to ask... what's your favorite coldplay song? what amazing song did they play for you? =)
Mine is MOST DEF. clocks (loooove it)

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