Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, January 18, 2008

thank you, Ellen

Last night I saw abortion in a whole new light.
And of all the people to illuminate the issue, it had to be Ellen Degeneres in one of her comedy routines...and she wasn't even talking about abortion. I can't quote her exactly, but here's the general jist of the routine. She was talking about how odd it is how humans love to kill things like house flies and ants. She was joking that the reason it was so easy for us to smash a helpless little ant or fly is because we can't see the expressions of horror on their faces before we....well annihilate them. And its not their fault the flies are in the house -- we named them HOUSE flies.

In the midst of her hilarious routine about the absurdities of humans, I almost cried, and for two reasons:
1) We do the same things to babies that we do to house flies. We treat insects and babies the same way -- as pests.
2) I actually felt love towards people who kill babies. I can't imagine how awful it must be for the doctors who see the little faces of the babies they abort. Only God can soften a heart that has been hardened for so long.

Yet God loves us.

That was so refreshing for me because I've been praying for compassion lately, and I think that moment was a little answer to prayer. One of my passions is the protection of the weak and helpless. I'm not sure how specifically I am supposed to do that, but I do know that anger and hate towards the people who prey on them is not a Christ-like attitude. Whenever I hear a story about a little girl or boy being abused, the first thing that pops in my head is that the abuser should be thrown in the ocean with a huge millstone tied around their neck. While a love for justice is good, I took it a little too far and had deep hate for those people. While I still believe that there is an even hotter place in hell reserved for people who prey on the weak, I also know that Jesus died for those wretches and I have to love them. Even more terrible is the realization that I am a wretch myself. I am not perfect and I sin just as much as those abusers. ouch. I have to be reminded of that fact quite frequently.

God has slowly been softening my heart towards people who hurt and kill the helpless.

And God used a lesbian to convey that message to me.

So, if you are free tomorrow around 10am to 12pm, come and pray with me and a bunch of other people at the Hillcrest Abortion Clinic. All we do is stand around the clinic in silent prayer for two don't worry about evading police or anything : ). The Life team has been praying for years for the removal of this clinic and the salvation of the doctor who performs the abortions, and every new prayer warrior is greatly needed. If you need more information, you can call me (986-4445), facebook me, or you can call Kempsville Presbyterian Church.

that's it : )

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