Well hello. Because today is the 13th day of the New Year, I have decided to share 13 interesting things with you guys....
1) Planet Earth by the Discovery channel is AWESOME!! It just goes to show what a creative and wonderful God we have...if only the writers had included that in the show. But be prepared....animals eating each other is part of life...and its sad.
2) I just realized the reason Switzerland is always neutral -- an old Swiss proverb says, "When in doubt who will win, be neutral."
3) Giving someone "the finger" originated from the English, who were experts at the longbow. When English archers were captured, their middle finger was cut off so they wouldn't be able to shoot anymore....therefore archers would taunt their opponents by waving their middle fingers, which meant, "we can still kill you" etc.
4) Shakespeare never spelled his name the same way.
5) No one will ever know Chuck Norris' last words because he will be the last person on earth.
6) It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population are drunk.
7) The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases.
8) A survey reported that 12% of Americans think that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.
9) The Muppet Show was banned from Saudi Arabian TV because one if its stars was a pig.
10) Santas in Australia were prohibited from saying, "Ho ho ho" because it is considered derogatory to certain women.
11) It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs.
12) The weight of a carat (200 milligrams), standard unit of measurement for gemstones, is based on the weight of the carob seed.
13) The Biblical significance of the number 13 is "rebellion, backsliding, apostacy."
Don't worry, I don't spend all my spare time finding out these things...my brother and I have competitions to see who knows the most random facts.
I briefly wanted to be a wildlife photographer last week. After watching Planet Earth, the thought of being in the wild with strange and dangerous creatures was the most thrilling thing I could think of to do. Wouldn't that be an awesome job!? I'm open to anything, Lord : )
Inspirational thoughts to come next time....
peace out