Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, September 9, 2007

where am I going with this?

I intially wrote here a long montage about lonely people and how to reach them, then I re-read it and realized what a piece of uneditable mess it was. So here is what I was trying to say in a large nutshell:

Bars on a Friday night are the best place to talk to people about Jesus.

Friday night, Tina, Mary and I went to downtown Stuttgart to walk around and just observe the nightlife. As we walked around, I noticed how many people seem so empty. They may be appearing to have a good time drinking, dancing, or talking, but there is no joy in their eyes. And it pained me so much to see people like that, because I want to talk to them, but I can't yet. I have prayed for a long time to have the gift of tongues, but it hasn't come yet. I've heard stories, and I think it would be awesome, if I could go to someone and speak truth into their life, in a language they understand. It is so hard sometimes to accept the fact the you must obey the whispers of the Holy Spirit. You aren't always supposed to speak to every person you see, but sometimes, that's all you want to do.

arg, anyways, I hope that made sense. I'll let you know immediately when I have my first conversation with a German speaking stranger : )

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