Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, February 16, 2008

national public radio

I've been listening to public radio a lot these days. I figured it wouldn't hurt to listen to classical music more often, since it supposedly makes you smarter, and after seeing so many ads on WHRO while watching "Keeping Up Appearances," I felt like it would be a "good investment" on my part.

The other morning as I was waking up, the most beautiful classical song I think I have ever heard was playing. But because I was still checked into dream land, I didn't get the name of the song!! For a brief moment, I thought, "this is what heaven may be like."

I am determined to hear the song again, so I keep my radio on 24/7. Although I haven't heard it yet, I have heard many other beautiful songs, and they have kept me thinking about the beauty within us all. I know that last statement may have sounded a little "hooey", but when you look at the pictures of many of the great composers, you wouldn't guess that they were so romantic and creative. What were they feeling when they wrote those beautiful songs? What inspired them? If we can create such expressive music in our fallen state, imagine what was created when we were one with God! God can really use anyone to give Him glory and witness to the wonder of His creation.

Sometimes music just hits directly at the core of your being, and maybe that is a glimpse at true worship. Its like those middle school experiments when you are trying to find acoustics of a room. You go through all these notes, and you finally hit the right one, and the sound reverberates through the room. Its like floating in the ocean and the only sound you hear is the beating of your heart. Everything else just tunes out and all you hear is an indescribable peace. Maybe that is what heaven is like. You are just absorbed into the music, the worship. But not so much as to become a drop of water in the ocean. Something different, but I'm not sure what.

The thought hasn't quite congealed in my head yet.....

I wish I were as hungry for the Word as I am for that song to play again. I want its taste to always be in my mouth. I want to say with honesty everyday that His words are "sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103)


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