So, today marks the end of the Summer Olympics. "The head of the Beijing organzing committee, Liu Qi, said the games were 'testimony to the fact that the world has rested its trust in China.' He called them 'a grand celebration of sport, of peace and friendship." While I don't agree with him that the world has rested their trust in China (that would be dangerous thing), I do agree that there was a lot of peace and love at the Olympics : ). For 17 sweet days, we were able to turn on the tv at any given hour (unless you were restricted to the 5 basic channels, like me) and hear the beautiful athem of the Olympics. It seemed like breaking a world record to win a swimming race was an unnoficial requirement. The Machine, Michael Phelps, seemed to think so. His seventh gold medal race was so close, I personally thought they should have awarded him and the other guy the gold...apparently, I was alone on that opinion : ).
Usain Bolt was another world record breaker. He stated that one of the secrets to his speed was due to all the yams he ate growing up. Remember that, all you aspiring Olympic runners : ). Someone should do a study on the effects yams have on speed...
In other unrelated news, today is officially Waffle Day!!! Before I knew this, I made some waffles today because I was suddenly craving them, and because there was nothing else to eat in our house. What do ya know? Without even knowing it, I was celebrating. You should celebrate waffles too.
One last piece of news: An Italian priest is organizing a beauty pageant for nuns. No joke. He feels like it would remove negative steotypes of all nuns "being old and dour." As he so aptly puts it, "being ugly is not a requirement for becoming a nun. External beauty is gift from God, and we mustn't hide it."
First thing that came to mind: "A beautiful nun is a tragic waste."
: )
Hasta luego, amigos.